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Title: Belonging to the body of Christ: Living a Life of Hospitality Text: Genesis 18:1-8; Romans 12:9-13; John 1:43-46; Hebrews 13:1-2 Focus: Belonging to the body of Christ develops an attitude of hospitality. Becoming hospitable people is more than kindness to strangers but an attitude, out of which such generous actions naturally flow. I) Northern Hospitality Louisiana State football fans coming to Green Bay Wisconsin II) What is hospitality? philoxenia, "love of the stranger opposed of xenophobia, "fear of the stranger." Turning a hostis “enemy” into a hospes "guest." III) The central role of Hospitality in the Bible Abraham and Sarah at the Oaks of Mamre St. Benedict: "Hospitality maintains a prominence in the living (Christian) tradition . . . the guest represents Christ and has a claim on the welcome and care of the community.” More than being kind to those you don’t know: A way of life reflected by open hearts Lessons from my father in law IV) Four layers of hospitality Interpersonal: We care for and forgive those in our faith family Intentional: We provide a welcoming place for those “trying us out” What if the Starbucks promoted like a Church? Invitational: Going out to find people to bring back in Living the example of Philip (John 1:43-26) Incarnational: Embodying the very presence and love of Jesus Once developed, all the other layers fall into place V) When we practice hospitality, our eyes open to the activity of Jesus Walking to Emmaus and breaking bread with Jesus (Luke 24:30-31) Join us live for worship at our 11:00 a.m. service each week. https://new.livestream.com/churchofthelakes The videos on this channel only include the sermon portion of our traditional worship service. Please visit the livestream link above to view the entire service. Other Sunday Services: 8:30 am - Traditional 9:30 am - Contemporary - 930 Praise! 11:00 am - Contemporary - OASIS Youth Service: Wednesday's at 7:15pm - CHAOS ---------------------------------------------------