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Album-Download: http://melodycrystel.deviantart.com/art/Requiem-van-Algol-Little-Pony-s-Favorites-550881958 At least one track for each of my favorite game-series in this album here – sounds not that complicated, right? Well, Pokémon made me some headache, since I can't decide for a single most preferred game-song. So, I used instead an excuse, thought I wouldn't call Oracion that way, since it's one of the most epic movie-melodies I have ever heard. The midi from floatzel.net matches neither the short whistle-version nor the grand orchestral-exemplar – it's some kind of a child in the middle – but I like that about this piece of music. Still I edited it, like I always do, but I hope you'll find it nevertheless acceptable. Details: -Vocaloid: Megurine Luka (Voice-Edit) -Midi from: floatzel.net -program for Remix: MAGIX Music Maker -VST: -Edirol Orchestral (Bassoon ; Harp 2 [2x] ; Bass Marimba [3x] ; Tubular-bell2 ; Timpani [2x] ; Violin Warm Section ; Full Strings)