13m 35slongitud

Preached at Holy Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rocklin, California on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, August 18, 2013 by Pastor Charles Froh Sermon Text: Luke 12:22-34 Sermon Theme: "Who Is This Jesus" Old Testament: Jeremiah 23:16--29 Epistle: Hebrews 11:17--31, 12:1--3 Holy Gospel: Luke 12:49--53 Christ's Suffering and Death Bring Division The Lord Jesus causes fear and trembling and division because His Word is "like fire ... and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces" (Jer. 23:29). His Law puts us all to death, whereas only His Gospel can bring us to life. He has fulfilled that Word for us by His cross and in His resurrection from the dead. He undergoes such a distressing Baptism, accomplished by His death, in order to open the way for us through our Holy Baptism into His cross and resurrection. So, then, if we are able "to interpret the appearance of earth and sky" (Luke 12:56), let us mark this sign of His cross — recognizing that this world is subject to death, but knowing that Christ Jesus also has conquered death and obtained life everlasting for us. Let us fix our eyes on "Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" and "run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Heb. 12:1--2).