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Tim Keller sermons via Gospel in Life: Adam and Eve sinned even before they ate the forbidden fruit. As soon as they asked themselves why they should obey God, they had sinned in their hearts. Sin is when we remove God as the ultimate authority and enthrone ourselves in God’s place. By elevating ourselves at the expense of God, God’s good world became broken. Yet, the story of Adam and Eve does not end with despair but with hope. God, in the midst of his judgment, promises that a day will come when one of Eve’s children will utterly annihilate the power of sin. Download or gift the sermon on MP3 for free: http://www.gospelinlife.com/a-promise-of-hope-6006.html View the series: http://www.gospelinlife.com/sermons/genesis-1998.html This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on July 5, 1998.