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The Last of the Old School Teachers in the World. Here's an excerpt of the greatest history scholar and old fashioned Bible teacher in the world. He has university degrees in history and theology, etc. In 20 years of watching him, Not once have we ever seen him run down any other religion like the media is telling people. This totally patriotic man the 47th descendent of pastors that came to this country back during the mayflower days in the 1600's ! He teaches NOTHING EXCEPT what's in the word of the book, and in today's world of hate speech, as soon is it offends, it's banned or under attack by the secular humanistic godless media and world. These are the facts. Watch him live on Sunday morning at 8:30AM and 11AM CDT at http://www.jhm.org/Media/ASX/CSLive1.asx and see for yourself. The main website page is http://jhm.org/ IF you ever wondered if there would be a place where a minster would be like talk radio in a church and want to hear it in relation to God with the total Bible driven political truth that picks up where Talk Radio leaves off, and they won't even allow on the air any more - Then see this main man! Remember: The Truth Hurts, and Reality is a slap in the face ! People in his church are catholics, jews and even atheists, who come to hear his viewpoints, just as the greeks gathered 2,000 years ago in their arena to hear Paul teach the concept of resurrection to them as is written in the bible.. Seeing this old boy rant and rave over the good book and righteousness and how it applies to the current state of the world in this country's politics and the dumbing down of the world is the most exciting thing anyone will ever be able to watch. It's Amazing !