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Download or read sermon: http://www.unlockingthebible.org/dying-in-the-lord/ Dying In the Lord #2/9: The Inside Story of Your Future Life Revelation 14:13 January 14th / 15th 2012 by Pastor Colin S. Smith One day soon, all of us will be in another world. The purpose of our series is to learn what we can about it and to prepare ourselves for it. People die in many ways, through an accident, an illness or old age. People die at different times. The timing and the circumstances vary. These are important but they are not of ultimate importance. Two ways to die Every person who has ever lived eventually dies in one of two ways: Jesus said, "Unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" (John 8:24). Today we're looking at Revelation 14:13, where we read "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." When you leave this world, either you will die in your sins, or you will die in the Lord. As I've thought about this, my mind has been overwhelmed by the incalculable difference between the two. To die in your sins means to carry your sins into death with you. You go out of this world, through death, and into the presence of God. Your sins are attached to you. There you stand in the presence of God "in your sins." Nothing could be more tragic, more awful than this. But there is another way to die: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord" (14:13). Christ took our sins into His death, so that if you are in Him, you will not take them into yours. To die in the Lord, separated from your sins, because He carried them for you—can anything be more glorious? This is a promise that belongs to every Christian. But I want you to notice that it is given especially to people who will die the most difficult deaths... "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on" (14:13). The great beast has arisen in chapter 13, and the world is following the anti-Christ. He's bringing trouble and persecution to Christians (13:7). Then we read: "If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints" (13:10). Here are believers who are paying the ultimate price for following Christ. Some of them will die horrible deaths and John, who is on the Isle of Patmos, says "I heard a voice from heaven saying... Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." If that is true for them, how much more so for us? Why Are We Blessed If We Die In the Lord? But in heaven it will be different... Spurgeon says, "Whatever they do in heaven will yield them refreshment and never cause them weariness." [1] "[In heaven] no cold-hearted brethren will damp our [enthusiasm], or accuse us of evil motives; no desponding brethren will warn us that we are rash when our faith is strong, and obstinate when our confidence is firm. None will pluck us by the sleeve and hold us back, when we would run the race with all our might... And none will foretell disaster and defeat when we confidently know that God will give us the victory." [2] iii. There are works for Christ that can only be done here "They will rest from their labor." Revelation 14:13 BLESSED BECAUSE... 2. Our deeds follow us Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord... "Yes," says the Spirit... "for their deeds follow them." Revelation 14:13 BLESSED BECAUSE... 3. We die in the Lord Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord... Revelation 14:13 What Would You Say To a Loved One Who Is Dying? Forget what you have done or failed to do for Christ Satan may bring to mind the weakness of your faith, but the good that you have done should be behind you, not in front of you. Don't look at the life you lived for Christ, but at the life He lived for you. Forget your ministry. Forget your triumphs. Forget your failure. Look to Jesus and to what He accomplished for you on His cross. You may be with someone who's disappointed in the life they've lived. You can say to them, "There's no basis for confidence in what I've done for Christ; but every basis for confidence in what Christ has done for me." Our faith and our works are like gold mixed with dross—they need to be refined. But all that Christ accomplished is pure gold. The devil can have a field day, and often does with dying believers, telling you of all your failures. But he cannot point to one failure in the cross of Christ. Don't look at what you have done or failed to do—look to Christ. Your entrance into heaven does not rest on what you have done for Christ, but on what He has done for you. That is the good news of the Gospel. You will need it in living and you will need it in dying. Fully embrace what God has done for you in Jesus