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Worship service for Easter Sunday with preaching by Rev. Dr. Luke Powery. Click on a time code below to jump to a particular part of the liturgy. 9:30 Choral Prelude 13:20 Opening Procession Hymn 302 - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today 9:50 Processional Hymn 308 - Thine Be the Glory 21:20 Psalm—Psalm 98:1–9 24:20 New Testament Lesson—Acts 10.34–43 26:00 Anthem 32:29 Gospel Lesson—Mark 16.1–8 35:30 Sermon -—Going Ahead _______________________ Ministry of Worship Presiding Ministers The Rev. Meghan Benson The Rev. Dr. Carol Gregg Preacher The Rev. Dr. Luke Powery Lectors Mr. Stefan Fertala Trinity ’15, PathWays Chapel Scholar Ms. Christine Delp Trinity ’15, PathWays Chapel Scholar, Wesley Fellowship Cantor Ms. Virginia Isava Trinity ’15, President of Chapel Choir Organists Dr. Robert Parkins Mr. Christopher Jacobson Guest Musicians Amalgam Brass and Percussion Ensemble Presiding Ministers for Communion The Rev. Brad Troxell Head Ushers Dr. James Ferguson Mr. Rick Wilfong Carillonneur Mr. J. Samuel Hammond