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Theme: Homiletics- the art of preparing a sermon: Intro: Preaching the Word of God is among the greatest privileges entrusted to man, it is also one of his greatest responsibilities. An effective ministry needs preparation both divine and human aspect. God can certainly bless and anoint thoughts which have been diligently prayed over and carefully considered. Let your preparation consist of thoughtful preparation and earnest prayer, determine to be the very best you can. Always trust God for His essential anointing and blessing on your preaching I. FOUR AREA TO CONSIDER IN HOMILETICS: Concept Composition Construction Communication Let us study this four area of consideration: 1. Concept This has to do with obtaining the original theme for the message. It is the art of knowing how to receive a message from God. It deals with how to get the initial idea and theme for a sermon. As you meditate on the word,there comes an inner quickening of a particular aspect. A sense of excitement is aroused within you. Something suddenly lights up for you. It almost seems to leap from the page 2.Composition: After receiving inspiration on a particular truth, you must now begin to analyze it to discover all which that truth contains. Your notebook is important right here. As you prayerfully meditate, write down carefully every thought that comes to mind At this stage, you may simply make a list of every idea that your subject suggest to you. You can sort it all out later 3. Construction: Having exhaustively analyzed your subject material and listed every aspect of truth you can find within it, you must now begin to assemble those thoughts in an orderly fashion. This is essential so that you can give further prayerful consideration to the subject. Getting the material into some proper sequence will help you in this regard. If your presentation is "JUMBLE UP" it makes it very difficult for people to absorb your message. Sermon construction aims to make it as simple as possible for your listeners to grasp 4. Communication: Finally, we come to the presentation of the message: POINTERS: a. Clear and effective communication of truth b. how to present your subject in a manner which will captivate the MINDS of your hearers c. How to develop your thoughts in such an orderly manner that your audience can easily follow the line of truth you are seeking to convey e. how to motivate your listeners to appropriate action, for we are doers of the word and not hearers only (James 1:22) -Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Lord of Harvest Las Vegas Rev. Sergio Jun Marcelo (702) 324 2341 Harvest Music Studio