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Friday February 3, 2017 Tonight on The Hagmann and Hagmann Report... Tonight at precisely 7:00pm EST, we need all hands present and accounted for as father/son investigative powerhouses, Douglas J Hagmann and Joe Hagmann welcome to his debut appearance on the Hagmann Report, Mr Scott Greer. Scott is an editor and columnist at the Daily Caller. His work has appeared on the Drudge Report, RealClearPolitics, Fox Nation and Breitbart. Scott will check in this evening to drop critical information contained in his new publication, No Campus for White Men. A hearty Hagmann and Hagmann "thank you" to Michael Thompson and our friends at WND for facilitating this highly anticipated interview with Mr Greer. As a side note, I received an email from Doug Hagmann this morning that read (in part) "I am almost done with Scott's book. Wow!" Get comfy and plan on sticking around for hours two and three this evening as we welcome well know pro life activist, former Director of Operation Save America, Christian TV personality and filmmaker, Randall Terry. Randall checks in at 8:00pm EST for his debut interview with the Hagmanns. This is how Randall explained his presentation to me a few weeks ago: as Christians we model our lives (or are supposed to) on what? The Beatitudes. The Sermon on the Mount. The Book of Acts. As the name implies Christians are supposed to follow the example of Jesus Christ. Muslims do the exact same thing. In the exact opposite direction. Their go-to is a phony baloney self proclaimed "prophet." A multiple felon: murderer, thief, extortionist, war monger and pedophile by the name of Muhammed. You wont find the blueprint in the Quran. You certainly wont find any admission of the above stated facts sneaking out of the duplicitous mouths of CAIR or the former Kenyan-In-Chief. You must grasp what is in the Hadith. The Hagmann and Hagmann Report lights up the mic every Monday through Friday starting promptly at 7:00pm EST. We broadcast on the Global Star Satellite Radio Network, Blog Talk Radio and YouTube Live. Show Website: http://www.HagmannAndHagmann.com News./Information: http://www.HagmannReport.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HagmannReport Twitter: https://twitter.com/HagmannReport Doug’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/douglas.hagmann