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During and after the 2008 campaign, President Obama repeatedly identified himself as a Christian for whom the Sermon on the Mount figured prominently in his faith. The Sermon on the Mount, as he has acknowledged, is a radical text of nonviolence, self-sacrifice, and enemy love. Since taking office, President Obama has massively escalated the war in Afghanistan, resulting in increasing civilian deaths and massive human suffering on the part of Afghans and Americans sent to fight his war. This video is offered not as an attack on the President's personal faith. Instead, it's intended to be an illustration of the way in which many Christians, including President Obama, seem willing to set aside the ethical content of the Sermon on the Mount when it conflicts with national goals. Mr. President, for Christ's sake, end this war. This video uses clips from Rethink Afghanistan (http://rethinkafghanistan.com), The Passion of the Christ, Gandhi, and various bits of footage from around the Internet. The music featured in the final montage is "Agnus Dei" by Psalters (http://www.psalters.org).