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"Are You Ready for Christmas?" Scripture: Luke 3:1-6 CCLI 11130471 CSPL039473 PRAISE "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" #211 UMH "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" #196 UMH "Until Jesus Comes" (sing twice) #3050 W&S Welcome and Announcements Rev. Dianne Catlett Lighting the Advent Candle Chris & Jennifer East Children's Moments Wade Allen PRAYER Call to Prayer #204 UMH "Emmanuel, Emmanuel" Morning Prayer Rev. Dianne Catlett The Lord's Prayer #895 UMH The Prayer Response #204 UMH "Emmanuel, Emmanuel" Offering Special Music The Archdale Choir "Comfort and Joy" "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" #95 UMH PROCLAMATION Scripture Luke 3:1-6 Scripture Reading Kayla Dabbs The Message Rev. Dr. Dana Bunn "Are You Ready for Christmas?" Song of Commitment #220 UMH "Angels from the Realms of Glory" Blessing Benediction Response #234 UMH "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (Refrain Only)