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http://www.purposedcoachingblog.com/about/the-sermon-illustration/ Sermon Illustrations | Critique | Case Study | How to Craft | How to Build A young preacher submitted a few sermon illustrations and asked for some "honest feedback". Here it is...it may be of help to others asking, how do I craft a sermon illustration. There is much more to building a sermon illustration...but this is a great beginning. For the quickest selection of a sermon illustration and the most powerful illustrations available check out this resource. This simple method was born out of necessity. As I taught another course on homiletics to some young and eager preachers, I struggled as I began to think through how to teach illustrations. There just had to be a better way. In searching for that method that would be simple, powerful and reproducible I finally hit upon it. That is where you come in and reap the benefit of what I have found. Two things came to mind and I am not sure which came first. But I recognized what I had known for quite some time, that Jesus used stories to preach truth. Sometimes he would tell a parable to bring truth home. On some occasions he would remind the audience of stories from the Old Testament and drive his point home. Stories like Nineveh or Noah. But on each occasion the story would drive the point home in such a powerful way that people acknowledged 'he taught them as one having authority'. The second observation that caught me was, I remembered how in many of my messages some of the best illustrations were stories from the narrative parts of Scripture that illustrated the truth or doctrine that I was trying to communicate. Odd how you can know truths and yet not bring them home with application in your life for a very long time. But I was learning! It was while realizing this AND looking for a simple system of insuring finding that perfect illustration that I hit upon this method. Since I began to employ this method I have found it never fails to quickly deliver the perfect illustration. By what do I judge this? Audiences not only grasp the truth I am teaching and remember it, but they internalize Scripture at the same time! My students have employed this method to their benefit as well and now there are preachers that have found this very simple system to be just the answer to solving their illustration dilemma. I think it will be the answer for you as well. http://www.purposedcoachingblog.com/about/the-sermon-illustration/ Sermon Illustrations Critique Sermon Illustrations Case Study How to Craft a Sermon Illustrations How to Build a Sermon Illustrations