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"My Father’s Business" Scripture: Luke 2:41-52 CCLI 11130471 CSPL039473 PRAISE "Love Has Come" #3059 W&S "We Three Kings" #254 UMH 8:30 "Silent Night, Holy Night" #239 UMH 10:45 "Jesus, the Light of the World" #3056 W&S 8:30 Welcome and Announcements Rev. Harold Shives 10:45 Welcome and Announcements Al Henderson 10:45 Children’s Moments Rae Askew PRAYER Call to Prayer #217 UMH "Away in a Manger" v.1 8:30 Morning Prayer Rev. Harold Shives 10:45 Morning Prayer Al Henderson The Lord’s Prayer #895 UMH The Prayer Response #217 UMH "Away in a Manger" v.3 Offering 8:30 Special Music Denise Warren 10:45 Special Music The Archdale Choir "The Newborn King" "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" #95 UMH PROCLAMATION Scripture Luke 2:41-52 The Message Rev. Dianne Catlett "My Father’s Business" Song of Commitment #251 UMH "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" Blessing Benediction Response #234 UMH "O Come, All Ye Faithful" (Refrain Only) *Please remain in place until after response is finished*