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(This Blog is Under Construction) Bible Study: Commentary: Summary: Text: Bible Study Guide: Perhaps you have heard about the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes in videos that talk about Matthew 5-7. Let me explain this before you go to church this Sunday. Did you know that the word sermon is intricately linked to the false system of churches? You see what Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, did was speak the truth in the Matthew 5 sermon (so called) with God's speech. Saying "sermon on the mount" is a way of including something that a false system decided to incorporated into there business! Wow! Here you will see beatitudes explained and it will help you understand where sermons come from! The passion of Jesus Christ was because of these false religious leaders. An example would be him calling out the pharisees for their long prayers for pretense. The sermon on the mount, the lord's prayer is a great example of their pretense. 0:29 The word "Chruch" was placed in the bible upon the request of King James. He said you WILL use the word Church and not ekklesia. This has been the source of an exponential amount of confusion in the "true ekklesia." So if you are driving down the road and you point out of your window at a building with a big white pointy steeple on top of it and ask them what it is they will say a church. But the bible says our bodies are the temple and that we are built up together into one building. And that is not schismatic like these church systems and their denominations. Invariably, someone will say,"well your can't forsake the gathering." That is true, but that doesn't have in the margin,"go find a church with a clergy pew system with Christmas, Easter, Halloween trunk or treats, with a band, big-screen televisions and a sermon either." You have to read that into the text because these false church worship service religious programs are NOT IN THE BIBLE...AT ALL! 1:04 This video is about the clergy / laity system which does not exist in the bible. In fact the scriptures are pointedly clear that schisms and divisions are uncouth and unacceptable. The clergy laity system is literally a man-made built in schism/division. While you will be able to find Greek derivatives of these words in the New Testament, they do not carry any notion of the things seen in the "traditional" (negative sense) man-made system in the "church" buildings. The traditional ekklesia which is a gathering (KJV rendered "church") can be found in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12&14, and Ephesians 4. Anything outside of these structures and governance as set forth by the bible is simply made up. The bible carries the answers and you should never rely on a man to teach you since the bible says so much about how God teaches us and the way we come to Him is by revelation. 2:08 What we find in these "churches" is boards of deacons who act as the hiring firm. 2:50 A person who is hired is called a hireling! Jesus said the hireling cars not for the flock! Therefore, I would recommend you research how these people even start a government recognized "church" and see how the "hire" there leaders. The results will be shocking! 2:26 Also, these people take titles out of the bible and use them at there will without any biblical backing whatsoever! So pastor, deacon, bishop, elder, leader, church, preaching...you name it and they are twisting it! Just go into resources like https://www.blueletterbible.org and define these words for yourself. If you have questions I will try to help. for kids, for children, the lord's prayer by the king of kings. Matthew 5-7 is a great lesson from the God of heaven! Please send me questions if you would like. Subscribe...or not....Like.....or dislike..... Thanks!