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http://www.unlockingthebible.org/set-your-mind-on-things-above/ Pastor Colin Smith preached this sermon on setting your mind on things above from Colossians 3:1-4 at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church, in Barrington, IL. http://theorchardefc.org/ To download the series or order these sermons on CD, see the link at the top of the description. Set Your Mind On Things Above #9/9: The Inside Story of Your Future Life Colossians 3:1-4 March 3rd / 4th 2012 by Pastor Colin S. Smith Set your minds on things that are above. Colossians 3:2 Over these last weeks we have been intentional about setting our minds on things above. We have thought about heaven. We have filled our minds with what it will mean to be with Christ and why it is better by far. It has been good for our souls. The question today is: How can I keep my mind on things above? How can I continue nourishing my own soul by fixing my mind and fixing my heart on the hope and joy of my future life with Christ? We've all heard the cheap shot that people who are heavenly minded are no earthly good. Precisely the opposite is true. It's only when you know where the end is that you know how to begin. Set your mind on heaven and you will know how to live on earth. Suppose I said to you "Prepare!" You would say, "Prepare for what? An exam? A snowfall? How can I prepare, if I don't know what's coming?" When you know what is coming, you will know how to live. An ongoing practice for every Christian "Set your minds on things above." Colossians 3:2 The Bible tells us that this is to be more than a series of talks in church; it is to be an ongoing practice for every Christian. This was the motto of the school in England where Karen and I studied theology: "Ta ano phroneite" or "Set your minds on things above." There isn't anything here that's difficult to understand. Christ has been raised. When Jesus died, His life left His body, and it was laid in the tomb by others, because there was no life in it when it was taken down from the cross. But on the third day, the life of the Son of God came into His body. He rose, and the body of Jesus was wonderfully changed. If you are a Christian, the life of the Son of God has come into you. Paul speaks about us being "raised with Christ" (Colossians 3:1). By nature, all of us were dead towards God, deaf to the Spirit and incapable of rising up to follow Christ in a life of faith and obedience. But the life of Christ came into you. This is the miracle of salvation. The Holy Spirit gave you the kiss of life. You were raised with Christ. Since you were raised with Christ, you have a new life in Him. His life has come to you. You are a new person, a new creation. All that He purchased belongs to you—forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, the gift of the Holy Spirit, adoption into the family of God and heaven as an everlasting home. It's all yours because you are His! If all this is true of you, if you are a Christian, then here's what you must do... Set your minds on things that are above (Colossians 3:2). There is nothing that is difficult to understand here. Where we need help is in how to put this into practice. Most of the message today is application: What will you gain from thinking about heaven? And how can you go about doing it? The Value of Meditating on Your Future Life Meditating on your future life will change your entire view of money "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Luke 12:13 You might be wondering, "Why did you go there?" It's staggering how often Jesus links eternity and money in the Bible. One day while Jesus was teaching, a person in the crowd asked Him to resolve a dispute about money. We want Jesus to be in the middle of these things. We want Him the one who upholds our rights. But Jesus won't have anything to do with it, "Who made me a judge... over you?" (12:14). Meditating on your future life will change your whole outlook on money, in the short time that you are here—how much you need and what to do with what you've got. Set your minds on things above. Turn your eyes on Jesus Meditating on your future life will give you strength to endure "...for the joy that was set before Him." Hebrews 12:2 For the rest of the description, please use the top link. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4 ESV)