19m 15slongitud

How many of you Friends feel alone? Feel lost? Ugly, addicted, unloved or hopeless? Oh THE LIES of SATAN as he plants his claws in us and deludes our minds with self doubt! A vicious circle we feel so caught in. a web of deception that keeps us enslavement to so many things. Our vices, be it alcohol, drugs, food, our inner self doubt, lack of self esteem, our quest for beauty, our quest for love in the wrong places! THIS is how SATAN keeps us bound! WE believe dont we? YET why are we still struggling? WHY is it our prayers arent answered? WHY is it we were dealt this ahnd? WHY WHY WHY? THE answer isnt far away! IT isnt as unreachable as you may think. Starry shares with those she loves HOW to break free...HOW to WAKE up and HAVE the power of JESUS in your life! ITS real people..its doable Friends...there is a escape.... Listen and find out HOW!!