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The Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount - a true story by Bill Schaeffer copyright(c) 2014 William Schaeffer Improved sound levels over previous upload. **** When you close a cardboard box by putting each flap underneath the flap on one side and over the flap on the other side; you build a naturally solid and strong way to close the box. If one flap is allowed to be "over top" all the others, then the box is not strongly sealed or closed and even a strong breeze could open the flaps on the box. **** By putting the needs of other people before our own, we are like the flap of the box that willingly puts itself underneath the neighbor flap. If all the flaps of the box put themselves underneath their neighbor, then the entire box is closed strongly. If one flap insists on "being better" then its neighbors and refuses to be "underneath" anyone else, then the box is not closed strongly and is likely to be opened; and the contents may spill out and the box itself might be destroyed.