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This message is based on the story of the Prodigal Son. At different times in our lives, many of us are just like the son. We move away from God and set out for a distant land. What does this mean? It means we start doing our own thing. We get busy with life and don't have time for God. Or we know we are doing something wrong and don't want to deal with God. Or we just want to prove ourselves and don't want God's interference. But like the son, when we move away from God, slowly, we find that our dreams turn into a nightmare. Things don't turn out quite as we expected. Maybe we had gotten into a relationship that we knew wasn't God's will and now we are in so deep, it is too hard to get out. May we have realized that this person isn't even good for us, but it is too hard to leave. Or maybe we had gotten into habits or a lifestyle that we knew God wouldn't approve of. And now those habits or that lifestyle has gotten a hold of us. We want to change, but don't even know where to begin. Or maybe we got so busy with work that we just didn't have time for God. We have an emptiness inside and know that only God can fill it, but we can't seem to make the time to get back to Him. Often, like the son, we find ourselves in desperate need, at rock bottom. The friends we had trusted and loved above God are gone. The things we had turned to for happiness are no longer satisfying. We feel tired and alone. Exhausted. But, like the son, we decide to come back. But we are apprehensive. We have fear and doubts. We wonder, "What will my Father think about me? Will He still love me?" But just like the son, if we come back, we realize that we are welcomed home by the Father. Why? Because of God's radical forgiveness. God's love and forgiveness are unconditional -- there are no strings attached. Many people tell you that God's forgiveness is free. But I want to tell you today, something that may shock you. His forgiveness is not free. There is a heavy cost. But, the good news is you don't have to pay the cost. God already did. Forgiveness cost Jesus His life. But, we have to accept that forgiveness. And as He has forgiven us, we have to choose to forgive others, paying the price ourselves, but sacrificing our ego, our anger and our "right." For more information, or prayer, email JesusBrandedDelhi@gmail.com or go to JesusBranded.org or Like us on Facebook.