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What more is there to say? I was the donkey. I was not a noble or regal horse. I was a humble ass but I told them about how I carried Mary on my back from Nazareth to Bethlehem. When they couldn't find a place to stay in the Inn, they stayed with me in the stable. I was there when Jesus was born. It was my grandson who carried Jesus on his back into Jerusalem when people shouted "Hosanna!" People go to a lot of effort (expense) each year to celebrate Christmas yet the central message is the gift of a Savior who was offered freely to us from God's grace. "For to you is born this day in the City of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Blessed Christmas, everyone! Every year, Pastor Ken delivers the message at our Christmas Eve Family worship service from the perspective of one of the characters of the Christmas story. This year, he decided to be the donkey. Merry Christmas to everyone! Pastor Ken Puccio of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Glen Avon presents "The True Meaning of Christmas ", sermon for 12/24/2013, Christmas Eve. The sermon is based on the Gospel reading, Luke 2:1-20.