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Precencia Vikinga en Sur américa. French archaeologist Jacques de Mahieu wrote several books on his research into the Viking presence along the coasts of Latin and South America. The most important of these books for physical evidence of the Viking presence is El rey del Paraguay (Hachette 1979). It would appear that the purpose of the presence of Danish Vikings in Paraguay between the years 1000 and c.1250 was to guard an installation of great importance. In May 1940, Fritz Berger, a Sudeten engineer with contacts in Munich but working for the army of Paraguay, concluded an agreement with the latter to form a joint archaeological team known as AGA. Their interest was a small mount of 40 metres elevation known as Yvyty Pero (Bald Mountain) located about 25 kilometres SE of the modern border town of Pedro Juan Caballero. Early in 1942 by when they had excavated a shaft 23 metres down inside the mountain, they came upon an object impossible to penetrate by drilling or explosives, apparently the roof of an enormous subterranean chamber. Work was suspended while awaiting advanced drilling equipment and more powerful explosives to be sent from Germany. The excavation work continued in Yvyty, into 1944 when according to Mahieu the drillers were finally defeated by an “undoubtedly artificial material more resistant than reinforced concrete”. Soundings within the mountain provided the dimensions of a suspected burial chamber of 200 x 80 metres, of hollow structure “with perhaps 800 rooms”. De Mahieu considered it to be the burial chamber of the Great King Ipir (after whom Yvyty Pero is now named) and other royalty from Tiahuanacu, the ancient Bolivian town on the shores of Lake Titicaca believed to have been in existence for more than 14,000 years. Yvyty Pero was what the Danish Vikings were protecting for perhaps three centuries. In the concluding parts, it is not my intention to speculate about the burial chamber, but show why de Mahieu concluded from the evidence still extant in Paraguay that long before the Conquest, Vikings from Denmark, Schleswig and the Danelaw in England must have sailed from Europe to the coastal town of Santos/Brazil and made their way inland from there for the stated purpose. Es un secreto a voces la presencia de vikingos en Sur América y en Latinoamérica, desde épocas precolombinas. Existen muchos libros escritos que hacen referencia a este tema oculto de la historia Sudamericana… Cosas ocultas como. El imperio Vikingo Inca de Tiahuanacu en Bolivia , La existencia de un Rey Vikingo de Paraguay, la presencia vikinga en Brasil etc. etc. Comparto este video con ustedes, pero este video no seria completo si no les dejo títulos de libros para que se informen más por su propia cuenta. El pasado Vikingo de los Sudamericanos, es una parte de la historia de Sudamérica que aún esta oculta, pero lista para ser conocida. Espero que toda esta información sea útil para todos los Sudamericanos, Latinos y Gente de todo el mundo…Saludos cordiales a todos. books: Libros: Los vikingos en Paraguay (1973); La agonía del Dios Sol. Los vikingos en la América del Sur (1974); La Piedra Sagrada del Dios Sol. Los vikingos en Brasil (1975); El gran viaje del Dios Sol. Los vikingos en México y Perú, 967-1532 (1976); Drakkares en el Amazonas (1977); Los sabios de Ippir. Los vikingos en Amambay (1978); El rey vikingo del Paraguay (1979) y El imperio vikingo de Tiahuanaco (1981). El profesor Vicente Pistilli ha continuado esta huella en valiosos trabajos como Vikingos en el Paraguay, La aldea vikinga-guaraní en la Cuenca del Plata (1978); La cronología de Ulrich Schmidel (1980), Etnología y etnografía americana (1990) y Vikingos en América (2000).