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What Did Jesus mean by the "salt of the earth". http://tinyurl.com/mck-salt-light In recent years the phrase "salt and light" is used frequently by Christians. It is quoted during baptism services sometimes -but what does it really mean to be the salt of the earth and a light to the world? Original video: http://youtu.be/oyXRZmoQ3zg What Did Jesus Say about Salt and Light? “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men." - Matthew 5 NASB "This Little Light of Mine - I'm Gonna' Let It Shine .." Remember this song from childhood? This summarizes today's lesson as Jesus proclaims his followers to be the "salt of the earth". A tutorial about salt. If you've ever made a mistake and put too much salt on your meal you know the meaning of the first verses here. A little bit of salt goes a long way just as a little bit of Christian behavior goes a long way to those observing it. What about outdated salt which has lost all its flavor? That seasoning is pretty much worthless and of no use to anyone. Good salt, like good Christians, brings the food to life and adds a flavor which the meal would have never known otherwise. A Christian who makes no effort to spread the good news about Jesus Christ - pretty much worthless to God. We need to be careful not to blend too much into the world and worldly things. Others shouldn't see us as just one more in the crowd but as a seasoning who brings joy and helps others to see the benefits of knowing Jesus. Following the same example as above, we should let our little lights shine, and not hide or dim it. There are ways of living that we as Christians, dim -- or maybe even put out our light to keep others from seeing it. These include not speaking out or going along with the rest of the world. Or sometimes even dimming the light by actually participating in the sin around us. Most importantly and probably the worst of all, we shut off our light sometimes with apathy. We need to care more about others. We're ignoring their needs or not telling them about the light of Christ when they reach out to us. I'm not here today to chastise you about this (I'm guilty too!), but to make you aware of these "little" sentences given to us by Christ which has made a huge impact on humanity. Let's all make a promise to seize the next opportunity to show other people our light by showing the way to Christ - either by our words or our actions. Remember, a little salt and a little light goes a long way! To learn more about the Bible, please visit the site at the top. Did you like this tutorial about what Jesus said about salt and light? Please share it with others so they might be blessed by the passage from Matthew. And, be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel for Christian updates. Thank you for coming in to watch!